
Notes I took from Vikings Series

I’m wearing out tonight.

First, my thought was to see if Reggae and the word for King were related, since as I understand it the Rastafarians had a special attachment to Haile Salassi (however you spell it). Looks to be wrong. Worth a shot. I enjoy philology, because that’s just how I roll, yo. (I’m never afraid to be ridiculous; we are all ridiculous every day, but most of us never have the liberating experience of realizing it.)

Historically, ceramic jars were mouse-proof containers. Prior to them, there was no good way to store grains. This is not a big point, but I found it interesting.

Finally, historically, Rome was an enormous source of wealth to the world, as it consumed a lot of material. This created economic growth everywhere. Indirect trade with Rome more or less germinated the Viking Age.

By extension, the growth of a great “consuming” power, leads to wealth for others. The United States is a huge source of wealth for other nations, whether we do “Fair” Trade or not. Any time you create a market, you create a reason to expand production. Any time you expand production, you create wealth.

We have created middle classes in Japan and Indonesia and South Korea and many other places. That we get no credit for this in some quarters is due to the fact that you can’t simultaneously understand economics and be a leftist. Some degree of imbecility is required to WANT to join the club.