And on it goes. Our best and brightest, those who have risen to the highest levels of their profession, continue to hand Obama plans to carry out anti-Constitutional acts. They put their imprimatur’s on them. They sign them.
As an ideal, all soldiers are citizen-soldiers. They are citizens, first, and soldiers because of the value they place on our system of government.
The only thing I want to say here is that the two can separate. What is right as a citizen–as someone with a family, with children, with grandchildren, with a church, with a community, with a love of nation–can conflict with following even legal orders.
I have said before and will say again that the military needs to have contingency plans just like Jade Helm for a reinstitution of Constitutional government, if some part of those who have been granted power choose to foster and attempt to implement policies which are manifestly illegal, immoral, and which have as their goal the consolidation of power by eliminating the power of the people–which is and always has been the primary goal of the power elites that use socialist rhetoric to further their personal ends.