The things is, only one person seems to have actually seen the shooter and lived to tell about it. No cops ever engaged the shooter, and four refused to even try. Cruz, according to the official account, seems to have brought a rifle to school in a bag he carried with him in an Uber, dressed himself up in body armor he would have had to have stashed somewhere, complete with helmet, shot and killed 17 people, taken the body armor off, ditched the gun, and escaped with his fellow students, after which he went and had a Coke somewhere, then got picked up at a 5 and dime or something like that. This is the official story.
This story may be true. I don’t know. It may also be bullshit. It takes time both to put on and to take off a full suit of body armor. I would think it takes 15 minutes or more.
Cruz is almost TOO obvious as a candidate. He purchased an AR-15 legally, despite being an obvious threat. The cops were on a first name basis with him and his family.
And I think it is safe to say we can’t trust the FBI. They failed to do their job with regard to 9/11, to the JFK Jr. crash, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, the Hillary investigation, and Las Vegas, which is a short list. That they are corruptible is quite obvious. Just look at the shit J. Edgar got away with, illegal surveillance, CoIntelPro, and that sort of thing.
I’m going to drop this. Everyone who is going to have an opinion has likely formed it. I continue to hope we have enough honest people out there to counterbalance the bad seed which has seemingly taken root everywhere.