
My little brain

Dialectic is being in disagreement, but there are two forms of dialectic: there is the anti-human dialectical MATERIALISM, which is power based, not agency based, class based, not idea based; and on the other, there are human beings, who see each other as human beings, who disagree, but who agree to mediate their difference through rational discussion based on an assumption that, broad stroke, we all want roughly the same things.  Being human, in other words, on the anti-Marxist account, entails roughly the same consequences for everyone, even if some get a much better apparent deal through force, luck, or effort.

Some alcohol was involved here.  The short story is I was listening to Little Stephens Underground Garage.  On one level, I will never forgive him for making his “Freak of the Week” Paolo Pasolini.  Pasolini is the one who set Sade’s “120 Days of Sodom” to film, and who was apparently beaten to death for it by Italian rednecks (I can’t say I fault their judgment). I don’t forget things like that.

(Neither, by the way, do I forget or forgive Alec Baldwin and Martin Scorcese for defending the “artistic merit” of that film.  No, I haven’t watched it, but I read the plot summary, and I’ve read as much of the original as I could stomach.  It is quite literally sad/Sade-istic.  Remember Scorcese’s cameo in Taxi Driver, where he talks about sticking a large caliber hand gun up his woman’s “pussy”?  Sade certainly would have approved).

On the other side, though, listening to his music, I could not help but feel we could reach some agreements on music, and perhaps even some general agreements on society.

Me, I want freedom.  I want freedom for the fuckups.  I want freedom for the dissidents.  I want freedom for the non-conformists, the “marchers to the beat of a different drummer”.  I suppose he could not but support that.

But all of us, all of us, should support less government telling us what the fuck we need to do, and who the fuck we need to be, or else they will fuck up our lives.  No mistruster of government should want more of it.  How complicated is this?

I felt this.  I felt the give and take, and the perhaps not-quite-agreement, but the getting-closer, and the approximating parts of agreement.

Dude: I’m a hipster, except that I fucking hate hipsters, not because they should not be free, but because they are FUCKING IDIOTS.

Clear enough?