This means that Muslims cannot commit adultery with Western women. And legally, both consensual and forced sex–rape, to be clear–are both completely acceptable and consistent with Islamic law and Islamic tradition. Thus, when you read about elderly, married, Muslim men participating in gang rapes in England, they are very literally not breaking any precept of their religion. To the extent Islam speaks to the topic, it is likely to ENCOURAGE such behavior.
Their wives–of which they are allowed up to four–cannot of course have any relations with non-Muslim men. Merely speaking to a man who is not a family member is enough to get women killed in some countries, like Pakistan.
In the West we forget at our peril that a substantial portion of the globe retains the sensibilities and mores of the 7th century,. which was, as has been most of human history, violent, misogynistic, and grotesquely unfair.
Only in the West did the concept of universal human rights come about. Only here. We are condemned with the very ideas which would not exist but for our cultural innovations.
You cannot repeat Soviet propaganda–and that is what they push on the Daily Cause and HuffPo–without being historically ignorant, unprincipled, and characterized by that stupidity which thinks it knows everything worth knowing, never guessing the extent of its intellectual depravity.