
Mueller extricating himself

The more I think about it, this whole assault on Trump was supposed to be secret until the last moment, and then overwhelming.  They got Flynn, by not giving him a moment to breathe, reflect, and fight back.  They intended to get Trump the same way, but the operation was miffed.

Mueller was part of the con.  He likely knew he was scheduled to be appointed, if Trump won, several months before it happened.  But he, too, was supposed to act quickly.  They were supposed to mobilize all possible resources in such a way to overwhelm Trump and force a quick resignation.  It was likely assumed–manifestly inaccurately–that he really was a lightweight who was just playing a game he didn’t take seriously.  Why would Trump not just hit the road, if the road got too hard?  Of course, they were thinking he would quit all through the entire campaign season.

But now, Mueller has nothing.  His one guilty plea, by Flynn, may get vacated and has certainly been questioned.  Manafort’s charges may get thrown out, and he may get boxed in the ear by more than one judge.

Most discussion is focused on how Trump gets Mueller to quit.  The flip side of this is that Mueller HAS no way to quit.  He has accomplished NOTHING related to his core mandate, does not appear to be even close, has no way to get close, and also has no way to simply throw his hands up and say: Trump is innocent.  That would be much too embarrassing for someone who engages in competitive endeavors because he likes it.

So what to do?  I am almost starting to like watching him squirm, at least in my mind.  What brought this all together for me today was a headline on Yahoo showing Cohen with someone from, I think, Qatar, who is ACCUSED of corruption.  They can’t even place him with someone who is clearly guilty.

The whole thing has become a farce.  Mueller has egg on his face.  He is fucking up, and he can’t unfuck this thing, no matter how he tries.  And he stands a very good chance of making things even worse by trying to force things he should not be forcing.

Maybe he can feign a health problem. Or he could just do the stand up thing and walk away by concluding the investigation and exonerating Trump.  Don’t bet on that, though: he’s not a stand up guy.