
Moral derivation

I derived 1984 from first principles in my paper on Cultural Sadeism.  I think it is possible to see from first principles where things tend to lead.

There is an enormous difference in eventual outcome between focusing on what builds generalized wealth and what builds EQUAL wealth.  In the former, you water all plants, knowing that some will bloom larger and more beautiful than others, but that all will grow.  In the latter, you tear out the plants that are larger, so that the plants that are smaller seem more equal.  It results in gardens that as they say only a mother (or Big Brother) could love.

I was fiddling with my cultural analysis tools today, and wanted to posit the following. I will insert, parenthetically without the parentheses, that I continue to like the formal use of geometric proof formats by Descartes and Spinoza in their philosophies.

The following is me screwing around after four margaritas.  There is, though–I think–a basis for something interesting.  This will one day be a fun project.[It is not true that the University of Chicago is “where fun goes to die”.  It is where fun goes for a major makeover].


The meaning system controls the creation of and distribution of emotional pain and, where relevant, pleasure/joy.

The truth system controls the creation of and distribution of perception.

The political system controls the creation of and distribution of power.

The economic system controls the creation of and distribution of physical comfort and physical pain.

Postulate:  The universe is uneven.

Correlate: Successful work must be contextualized.

Correllate: all systems should be contexualized for maximal efficiency.

Correllate: all systems work best when interacting with local feedback.

Correllate: all systems work best when focused on individuals.

Correllate: Individualism is the most life affirming doctrine.