
Modified Swimming pool

Those who know me from my CrossFit days know I am a little cracked, and that my brain is always going.

Here is an example of the sort of idea which brings me pleasure (I saw a quote from Einstein the other day to the effect of “Creativity is Intelligence having fun/playing”; I agree with that): what if you had a two tier pool on a hill?  I have long thought it would be amusing and unique to have a pool AROUND my house, built as a sort of moat, such that you swim in a quarter mile (or whatever circle).  It has always bothered me that I would constantly have to skew to the right or left.  I could set up long straightaways like on running tracks, but you would still have curves, and if it was build on right angles it just wouldn’t be as much fun.

Then just now I got to wondering about the logistics of building the thing on a hill.  The water would flow down, then have to be pumped back up.  What if, though, you got out at the end on the bottom, sprinted up a steep hill (or even  had some kind of track, and a cart you had to hand-crank), swam the top portion, then maybe slid back down?  That would be interesting.

Or you could have a series of platforms, such that you jumped down, in what would amount to a series of depth jumps.  Or, since I just watched a Saw with all the mechanical devices, you could have gear system in which you rode a cart down, but had to hit something with a kettlebell swing for each gear. Or pound it with a hammer.

This will almost certainly never be built by anyone, and the idea unknown to all but a few. Still, I ENJOY bringing into the world possible material configurations I have not seen, and have always believed that most of the best ideas are the indirect product of bad ideas.  This means no idea is inherently bad, because it could lead somewhere.