As far as the crazy Right, as I have been saying for some time, there is no point in a Constitution if there is to be no government. I will also underscore the arguments that Thomas Paine made in Common Sense that, although all governments are to be feared, they are in nearly all cases preferable to formally lawless societies.
On the Left, of course, you have moral suicide, suicide by government, suicide by creating and fanning the flames of an entity which will control your life from cradle to grave, which might impoverish you, which might even kill you, but which will never ask you to do any hard thinking.
As I see the current landscape, you have two competing sets of existential fears.
Within what I might term Moderate America, which is everything from the Far Left–aka currently “Mainstream Democrats”–on to the right, which includes all people who think the Constitution is a good thing, there is the fear that all our heritage, all our wealth and yes generalized privilege–which certainly includes blacks, as compared to the rest of the world– is under attack by lunatics. In my view this is a valid fear.
On the Left, you have the more subtle but more maddening fear that, in rejecting everything they have known, in rejecting their own culture, their own people, their own history, they have done it all for NOTHING. They sold their birthright, and did not even get a crust of bread.
That is the sort of angst which causes you to double down, to go harder, to get even crazier. And as the gap widens, so too does the difficulty of coming back home. It becomes much easier to leap from “one person alleged Kavanaugh held her down against her will, although the witnesses she alleged were there would not corroborate her account, and even though she contradicted herself, seems to have lied about some details, and was plainly partisan”, to KAVANAUGH IS A PROVEN RAPIST. Which, in fact, is what the Left has done. No boundaries remain, where Ideological Others are concerned.
Fear. It is fear which governs this whole thing. Fear of the future, fear of loneliness, fear of being wrong, fear of contradiction, fear of the violence they themselves carry in their hearts. Fear it is all for nothing. Fear even, perhaps, that everything conservatives–conservators–say about them is true after all. Fear they have wasted their lives. Fear the New Revelation isn’t. Fear that hucksters have sold them a bill of goods. Fear that the spirit of meanness resides in them. Fear of the darkness they project all around them.
Fear that the fear within them has made them small and ignoble.