Unless I miss my mark—which definitely happens, but not often—what we are about to see needs to be described as some combination of a childish temper tantrum, and the emotional and physical abusiveness of a man who beats his wife and limits every aspect of her life, in order to control her.
These people are not interested in debate, the law, or even womens rights. All of it is pretext fir “what the world needs more of is ME. US.”. And FUCK EVERYONE ELSE. They have no right to live, to speak, to believe anything we don’t tell them.
This is where the nice and quiet psychopaths reveal who they really were all along.
Thank God for the Second Amendment. It exists for times like this and people like this. I fully expect many angry acts of violence, and will caution sane people to just let these people alone. Let them show the world how many anti-Liberal pathetic tin pot dictators there are out there. Watch it on TV.