One interesting thing to point out about the Steven Lerner story (SEIU official plans to crash economy on purpose, creating generalized poverty to help the poor be less lonely) is that that tape had to have come from a spy. I am surely not revealing secrets here, since the first question Lerner would have asked is who the leaker was.
The spy presumably was invited, and may well have been a former leftists. This is the interesting part. Leftism appeals to the morally high-minded since it excels at creating morally high-minded rhetoric. They are going to end racism, or poverty, or the use of the American military to bully other nations so “corporations” can make more money. They are going to save the environment, and have a damn good time smoking weed and grooving out in drum circles doing it.
As I have said, though, Socialism is at root a moral narrative. It is not a viable economic plan. It is not a social system, except to the extent of some murky utopian images of people getting along since money is no longer around. It is not even scientific, since if it were formatted as a hypothesis, it has been falsified by repeated experimentation.
This means that the only coherent part of it is a claim of how the world should be, and this claim is that all people should be alike materially and culturally. This latter part is obscured by an obsession with cultural others, but the only point of that is to blunt America’s cultural cohesion, and that of Western civilization more generally. You talk up others, and in so doing talk down yourself. You don’t say “they are great and we are great”. You say “they are great, and we are sinners: repent for your very existence, and we probably won’t hate you”.
But bubbles are popping everywhere. Previously deluded people are waking up and realizing what is actually being planned, what socialism actually means in practice. And they don’t like it. It does not make the world a better place. It does not increase justice of any sort. It does not improve the environment (China is a centrally planned economy in many respects), and it doesn’t make anyone HAPPIER, if they were not already capable of happiness.
The Danish model is not awful. It is just decadent. It is a system incapable of sustaining itself. The population is falling across Europe. The only people increasing in population are people who do not believe in either democracy or Socialism.
And to the point, Obama and his cohort are not planning a Danish model. Every indication is that his heroes are Mao and Lenin. Their ideas led to mass death, much suffering, tyranny, and no relief whatever from the human condition, except to the extent the vodka factories met their quotas.
Obama is no Lenin. Lenin sat in jail for many years, lived the furtive life of an exile, and was very intelligent, very persuasive, and very strong-willed. Obama is a boy in a man’s suit.
He surrounds himself with some dangerous people though.
The point of this thread, which admittedly wanders around–it was a long day–is that all of the leftists in this nation will from now on have to wonder about their Operational Security. Who can they trust?
In order to create a high degree of security, they will both have to severely limit their communications, and betray to the periphery just how ruthless they actually are, by process of an exclusion that did not heretofore obtain.
The Vietcong were very good at internal subversion, but they were able to rely on hatred both for the Chinese, and the Catholic Presidents, particularly Diem. This mobilized people, because they promised–falsely–something better.
Here, though, the stakes are a generalized collapse of our nation, with all the terror, poverty, violence, and suffering that will involve. To be on the side of the Left, now, is to hate this nation, and the people in it, all of them.
It is my belief that thoughtful people are realizing this en masse, and that the cruel and hateful sadists at the core are going to have great difficulty integrating this reality into general plans, even with a sympathizer in the Oval Office.