
Microtrauma becomes macropathology

Logically, breeding weakness brings about following dependence.  It discourages individuation, and creates a demand to be cared for.  Everything being done on college campuses, therefore, is seasoning for tyranny. Indeed, the expectation no doubt it is will create a DEMAND over time for tyranny.

A nation–let me say culture–can only be as good as it treats its children up to 18 months, and it can only be as good as what it demands of its youth.

I do believe in global elites, and for some time it has been my belief that how they condition their own young is by molesting them.  I have some slight, but personal, evidence for this.  This creates both a blank slate for inserting desired ambitions and passions, and a long term lust for power.  In all events, it protects dynasties, by ensuring that indifference is not an option.