And a picture of a group of black youth and men. Murders of black men since 1981: 170,000 (or whatever: I multiplied 34 by 5,000. I suspect the number is higher).
We live in a world where the truth is Verboten.
I will add to this a video everyone should watch:
That’s the best I can for a link, for which I apologize.
“Can’t is not a part of your vocabulary”. Compare and contrast this basic mindset with the notion that black people somehow suffer from this abstract lack of “white privilege”. What the fuck is this, other than a mindset, on one side, that the world owes you something, and on the other that you have an absolute right, and responsibility, and privilege to make your own way?
Can we really speak about a “lack of opportunity” when 40% of black kids fail to finish their free educations by dropping out of high school? Access to learning was a key goal of both black activists like Stephen Douglass and of socialists of all sorts. They won. They succeeded.
Imagine if her parents had made excuses for this girl. She would be a failure, depressed, and bitter, much like the people you can see huddled outside the corner liquor store in just about any ghetto in this country.
That says nothing about being BLACK per se. Actual Africans don’t act like that. It says everything about culture, and mindset, and no serious person can claim that the goal of the Left is not, and has not long been, to reduce all of us to dependent children, and that they merely succeeded more, and sooner, in the black communities, because of the propaganda past actual racism made possible.
The answer is not to put propagandistic shows about “stupid white people” on TV, but to DEMAND MORE. Graduate school. Don’t knock anybody up or get knocked up. Dump the baggie pants and stop dropping your G’s.
In my personal opinion the reason Cosby got taken out is he was saying this stuff. If you keep in mind Cecil the Lion overwhelming coverage of the Planned Parenthood atrocities, then you recall that the media can direct people’s attention in any direction they want. What happened with Cosby is not that the charges escalated, but that they GOT COVERAGE. Why? He was fucking with the narrative of black failure.