

I think, for a lot of people, seeing masks means, emotionally, that this disease will end soon, and that they are protected–although they don’t make this conscious, that they are protected from the fear which has enveloped all of us.

It is small wonder that no small number of people have fallen into zealotry.  It is irrational, factually and logically, but not emotionally.  Masks are their way out.  They are the way out for the society from this disease, and for them personally what allows them to walk out of their homes without feeling unreasoning terror from an enemy that may be absent everywhere, but which we can’t see, so it is impossible to know.

Just about everyone is scared.  This makes herd movements, like BLM, much easier to facilitate.  I don’t know how carefully and to what extent, say, the CIA might have planned these operations, but that they noticed that the climate was ripe for riots distracting from the effects of the lockdown seems obvious.

Lifting the fog will show the costs of the lockdowns.  It is like we are at a highwater mark, and as the tides fade, we will see what was concealed below.  I suspect it is a LOT of misery, most of it hidden in impoverished and desperate homes.

All of the Forgotten People have been particularly forgotten in all this.  Urban blacks could reasonably see BLM as something which speaks to them, but it really doesn’t.  If you look at the pictures, it is unemployed white people who are not trying to go back to work, and certainly not working to get the black community back to work.  Most of them seem to think that all of them can extort a living from the “government”, which is to say the rest of us.

And remember this is being done while all governments everywhere are under severe financial strain from all of this.

We will start to be able to see more clearly in a month or two.