
Mask wearing

That little bug in my brain that compels me to be consistent and competent is telling me to admit that masks may also make sense in buses, subways, airplanes, and other crowded places.

However, what needs to be factored into all this is that COVID-19 represents almost no danger whatever for anyone under 55, and that part of living in a free society is determining the level of risk you are willing to accept.

I personally think that people who feel safer wearing masks should certainly do so, but that the rest of us should be allowed to take our chances.

We KNOW what the “typical” person looks like who will die from this. They are suffering from multiple chronic illnesses, and their “insides” are already compromised in many ways.

And as I think about it, we ALSO need to factor into the death rates all the people in effect murdered by putting them on ventilators.

Remember ventilators?  They were the reason for “flatten the curve”, and “flatten the curve” was the reason our governments told us we no longer had freedom of work and freedom of movement three months ago.

“Flatten the curve” was a period of roughly two weeks of staying home which was going to allow the hospitals to ramp up for a flood of cases, and was designed to prevent them from being overwhelmed, and to get a sufficient supply of ventilators and PPE.

The flood never came, causing a massive financial hardship to most hospitals, who cancelled everything else (which was tragic for many, and likely caused and will continue to cause a lot of deaths and misery.  I personally know someone who really, really needs a hip replacement surgery to continue working, but who can’t get it because of the fucking policies in place even now), and the ventilators turned out to weapons of mass unnecessary death.

If you are not mad yet, why the fuck are you reading this blog?  It’s not written for fucking idiots.