
Mask Heart and Mask Brain

I really think there will come a time, most likely soon, if freedom and sanity survive–as I say, we cannot assume this will happen, as it is not happening now to the extent it should be–when a condition called “mask heart” enters common parlance.

This is a heart which has been damaged by prolonged oxygen deprivation.  It really doesn’t matter what some fucking asshole tells you: you KNOW you do not breathe as well with a mask on–any mask–as without one.  Period.  Full Stop.  This point is not debatable.  We all feel more stress when wearing masks–at least physiologically, with some depressingly large number of us also seemingly taking psychological comfort in these ridiculous and ineffective things–and feel better when taking them off.

They are clinically traumatizing our kids.  And in our kids, this prolonged–8 or more hours a day, 5 days a week, across YEARS–oxygen deprivation may well lead to stunted brain growth.  I propose we call this Mask Brain, where a kid who should have had a 120 IQ now has a 110 one, and who should have been developmentally at a 5th grade level is in fact at a 4th grade level.

Everything, ALL OF THIS, is making nearly everything worse.  And it isn’t bad luck, or oversight.  I wish I were that sanguine.

But if I see a problem, I will describe it, and will propose solutions where I can.  Here, it is STOP!!!  Stop this fucking bullshit.  Stop all this anti-scientific nonsense.  Get rid of the masks, particularly on kids.  Let those who want the jabs get them and leave the rest of us alone.

Preach on Vitamin D, and the acute need for zinc in acute illness.

And untie our doctors so they can use all FDA approved medicines in any way that makes sense to them clinically.