Mao’s famine was in the early 1960’s. That means many are still alive who remember, and that there are hundreds of millions of Chinese born since who carry in their body epigenetic memories of this trauma.
Remember when parents used to tell their kids “eat your food because there are starving kids in China?” Communism.
Band-Aid for the starving in Ethiopia? Communism.
Communism is raids in the middle of the night, shots to the back of the head, secret police, starvation to the point of eating children (both Ukraine and China, at least, and presumably elsewhere), families being broken up at gunpoint, pointless and bloody wars, fat Commissars and Captains, endless tears, and silent cruelties of every sort. Decent people avoid it like the plague, and those who do not, are not decent people. Cut them no slack, and pull no punches.