
Lt. Col. Scheller

I forget who said it, but someone pointed out that PHYSICAL courage is not that uncommon, presumably not least because of peer pressure and an intense desire not to let anyone down.

But MORAL courage is rare.  There is no one shooting at you.  No one will fault you, most of the time, with going along to get along.

That is why I personally fucking LOVE what this guy did.  Here is one link to the whole thing:

I was talking with an ex-Marine (oh, wait, you are always a Marine, unless you get fucking railroaded, in which case it is your choice), who said he won’t do jail time.

That may or may not be true, but here is the thing: all Marines accept they may be shot.  But how many accept that you sometimes have to risk JAIL, Dishonorable Discharge, and contempt from your superior officers to DO THE RIGHT FUCKING THING?

This guy is a HUGE hero in my book, and at least the guy I was talking to said he earned the respect of a lot of Marines who still felt too afraid to speak up publicly.

If it is your soul or death, walk into the fucking buzz saw.  That is my view.  You don’t have to like the buzz saw, but fear DEEPLY the loss of your soul.  What is left, when you forget who you are, and have lost the energetic habit of courage?

I think this is great.  This act may be symbolic now, but it may have important and real world consequences at some time.  And either way, he protected his honor and his sense of self, against an awful attack.

I personally love stubborn people.