Seemingly paradoxically, I think Obama’s ascendancy to the Presidency has actually made leftist organizing HARDER, not easier. Leftist agitprop is always based upon false flag rhetoric, in which appeals are made to sentimental emotions: compassion, “justice”, mercy, fairness. In reality, of course, there is no moral core of Leftism, which is why once the 10% of the 10%–you do the math–get their way, they eradicate all opposition through violence.
But Obama got elected. He is in office. He is not in opposition. There is no “them” that is strong enough to take the spotlight off of him. We are getting what leftists ACTUALLY want: nothing. No progress. No fairness. Look at Cuba: what did all the suffering Castro inflicted on them win them? Nothing. Nothing but terror, emotional emptiness, an inconsolable sadness, and generalized and ineluctable poverty.
You cannot, as an organizer, point to Obama and say: THAT is what we want. Nor can you ignore him. The organizers are the ones who put him there. They can say he was corrupted by the system, but he wasn’t. He was is and always will be an empty suit, directed by men and women largely in the shadows.
I think the leftist action for the near future will be in Europe, in trying to force at least a piece of their long desired global government; and it will be in the UN, trying to get yet more resources allocated to them, and trying to get more power–always more power, no matter the cause or place, with these people.