

A lot of the time learning is a creative act.  It involves milking the new out of the old.  It involves coming up with yet one more way to look at something you are very familiar with.

There is no moment of any day where it is not possible for some new insight to strike you.

I don’t think it is immodest–or in any event inaccurate–to view myself as fairly creative.  My main “talent” in this regard is that I am just very, very curious.  I’m always taking things apart in my brain and reassembling them.  I have a very powerful imagination.

And physically I literally spend time wondering about things as banal as why cracks are where they are, how the floor was built, why that wire is laying over there, why the clouds look the way they do, how and why that tree fell over, etc.  It’s endless.  I am never, ever bored.

What sparked this particular thought was buying two bean burritos at Taco Bell. I was thinking “dear God is there any more corporate thing I could do? And I got to thinking about how there was a Taco Bell near my high school but I never had any money to eat there.  Then what a dick I was back then.

Then: I’m changing.  This is good.  And this whole thought train started looking at the garish colors of the new Taco Bell branding, and wondering what was going through the mind of the drive through gal who opened every interaction with “How’s it going?”  I was wondering what that job is like and how I would make it fun if I had to do it.


I’m doing more and more “moments”.  Those don’t get written about.  This idea of learning as a creative act, though, that is properly intellectual.  I have some more thoughts on all that, but I’m easing back into my moment for tonight.