I remember the heated rhetoric. I remember Al Gore and James Hanson telling us all the horrible things that were going to happen if we didn’t do something IMMEDIATELY, back then.
Hell, I will admit to voting for Al Gore in 2000 because I still believed in global warming then. We didn’t have another 20 years of evidence then, which we do now.
The simple truth is that there is nothing going on anywhere on the planet which is not easily and best explained as weather. Some years the glaciation is larger, some smaller, but it is staying within a range. And as I have said many times, natural climatic variation on Earth can and has extended to the melting of all the ice at both glaciers. That has already happened. Much of Earth’s history had no ice on the poles at all.
NASA uses land based measurements to make their pronouncements, and they do this for the cynical reason that such data is easily modified to say what they want it to say. Longer term satellite data shows absolutely nothing remarkable, and in particular no significant events in the layer where CO2 has most of its effect.
And logically, why would there be? The atmosphere is already saturated with enough CO2 to absorb nearly all the heat it is capable of absorbing, which is only about 10% of the spectrum (a fact not emphasized by any of the true believers or their handlers).
If and when this collectivist fever breaks, we should see this as one of the biggest and best funded hoaxes in human history. “Science”, per se, should have broken it into small pieces a long time ago.