
Kun Zhi

This term means roughly “blocked energy”, or “emotional blockage”.  I don’t know what language it is from, but since I came across it in my Kum Nye training, I will guess Tibetan.

As my energy begins to flow better, I am seeing things for the first time.  One thing I see is that the effective use of analytical, intellectual reason is impossible in conditions of blocked energy flow.  There is such a thing as emotional logic, by which I mean that the figurative waters flow in the pathways that are most obvious, and most healthy.  It means you process all emotions, all experience, as it happens, and hold nothing back, lock nothing away.

When you look at someone like Barack Obama, you need to see someone who consists almost entirely of blockages.  He interacts with the world in an entirely emotionally detached way, but this is not the same as a rational way.  He claims to want to improve the world but damages it.  He no doubt believes that he is able to pursue his own self interest in a rational way, but he can’t see what that self interest actually is, what would be best for him emotionally.

Blind to his own emotional needs, he has learned to care little or nothing for the needs of others.  Why is the Obamacare website such a failure?  Because even though he has always intended Obamacare just to be a short stopping point on the way to a complete government take-over of our lives in important ways, a person who liked people would have cared enough not to cause unnecessary hurt in the process.  Bill Clinton would have delivered something that worked, because whatever else he is, Bill Clinton is a people person.

Compare the sexuality of Bill Clinton and Obama.  As far as we can tell there is no sexual chemistry between Michelle and him, and if we are to believe the accounts of at least one homosexual man who claimed to have sex with him, there is or was little chemistry even in his homosexual relationships.  Obama has too many locked away traumas to be emotionally present for anyone for any reason.

In the Eastern model, we are presumed to be born for happiness, and only prevented from it by blindness.  Logically, they offer solutions to being blind.

In the West Positive Psychology is only in its infancy.  Until perhaps a decade or two ago, the focus was on treating human beings like animals, with a focus solely on curing illness, but not on providing meaning or direction for consciousness.  Small wonder there are so many confused people out there.