

The prerequisite for the acquisition of new knowledge is the recognition of ignorance.  And the best way to recognize ignorance is to presume it.

This is why Edward de Bono called arrogance a “mistake in the future”.

Intelligence DICTATES, DEMANDS humility.  The more you know the more you know what you don’t know.

I’ve said this many times, of course, but perhaps not this way.  It is wearying trying to remember everything I’ve said.  Just on this blog I have I think nearly 2,000 posts (Edit: I misunderestimated it: 2,288).

And for the record, I think the Sufis taught this lesson the best.  As I understand it, in at least some schools everyone was classified according to what type of idiot they were.  I’ve always liked that.

And I’m honestly not sure what type of idiot I am.  Likely an emotionally constrained idiot, one unable to connect with people deeply due to a lack of development.

But there are of course grades of idiocy, and one can always strive to achieve the status of Top Idiot.  It’s something to shoot for, to be sure.