
Je suis Alex Jones

Two undeniable–to my mind–contributions of Alex Jones are the terms Globalist and Deep State. He has been railing against the Globalists for years. 

And with the election of Trump, and all the illegal, coordinated chicanery which has been revealed, and continues to be revealed, by high level, Director level Federal employees, he has been validated, amply.
He was about the only one willing to say how bad it is. And it is that bad. He was right.  Hundreds if not thousands of Federal employees-/including a number of prominent politicians like Hillary and Barack–should, if we value the rule of law AT ALL, be arrested and sentenced to long jail terms. We need a redo, a reboot, on much of the system.
Jones has been saying this as loudly as he could, for YEARS. Very few people wanted to believe him. The picture is appalling, and daunting. But it is clear. The offensive against Trump has made that clear.
As one meme I saw yesterday put it, “when you cut out a mans tongue, you don’t prove him a liar, but that you fear what he has to say.”
My hope, of course, is that with this focus on Jones, more and more people will start waking the hell up. It’s much later than you think.