
It’s too quiet

I was thinking last night that the feeling I am getting as far as the Left is that it is too quiet.  In the past, I would get fought on every political post I made.  That is no longer happening.  I assume I am still blocked from HuffPo, but the feeling tone is a bit different.  I am getting the feeling most parents get when the screaming from the kids in the other room disappears, and silence takes its place.  Especially if dealing with boys, it usually means they are up to something.

These people, the core, are fanatics.  Their politics and their self image and self worth, and notions of themselves as good people, are all tied together in a quite undisentangeable way.  It’s a Gordian knot whose only continual command is “FORWARD!!”‘, whatever the fuck that means.

Where can they go?  They’ve abandoned efforts to claim the universal high ground by shouting down their opponents, or so it feels to me.

What they have left are voter fraud, certainly, and a continuation of violent censorship.  What they no doubt FEEL they need is something like a Cultural Revolution, something like large masses of kids screaming about what must be done to “save” the culture, to protect the weak and weary, and to make the world a better place, even if it takes mass murder to do it.  I suppose the stuff going on in Britain would qualify, in tone.

Murder they are not quite up for, just yet.  They are manifestly quite willing to dox people, to assault the characters of good people, and do everything they can to pollute our public dialogue with lies, anger, half truths, and noise.  They are willing to stop the flow of traffic, and disrupt tens of thousands of lives to be heard, to achieve relevance, even if in infantile ways.

Who knows if what I am feeling is accurate?  I grew up living in the shadows, but keenly aware of everything going on around me.  People like me, I think, are usually right about things like this, but all of us are sometimes wrong.

It just feels like there are schemes being hatched out there, by people for whom an open honest life has been made impossible by a long set of choices and derelictions of actual duty.  All of these people need to grow up, but none of them believe that two marshmallows are out there anywhere except in the rhetoric they internalized some time shortly after nursery school.

And I think at root they don’t even believe their own lies.  Most of them just want to see death and destruction, decay and decline.  There are no marshmallows, even in the present, so just burn it all down.