
Is Vitamin D the Tower 7 of this whole thing?

That same bank President, who was obviously following the news quite closely, was unaware of the seeming correlation of Vitamin D levels in the blood and following robust immunity.

Why?  Why, two or more months into this, when I have been reading about the importance of Vitamin D for AT LEAST six weeks, is the public ignorant?  Vitamin D is really cheap, easily had, and seemingly a virtual cure. If you have high serum levels of Vitamin D, you don’t die.  It seems to be as simple as that.

Why is our media not doing everything possible to help our people survive this epidemic, and get through it as quickly and painlessly as possible?

Ponder it.  The ethics involved are horrifying.

As I have noted often, the degree of emotional disconnection and dissociation on the part of the Left with regard to, really, all of humanity, is striking.  They have rituals of thought which are important to them, celebrations of conformity that are important to them, but the whole thing has lapsed into near complete and clinical narcissism or, to use my preferred word, solipsism. 

Yes, of course they exist to fight everyone who is not like them, in the name of people they don’t understand or really care about, but they don’t REALLY see us as people.  We are just cartoon characters in their cartoon world. 

No one really dies, in their world.  No one really suffers.  Words are the sum total of the reality in the world.  Nothing else really matters.  This is why language policing suffices for them as complete and coherent policy, even though it does literally NOTHING to help people suffering from neglect, hunger, abuse, depression or any of the other long list of deprivations all humans are subject to from time to time.

I have for some time labeled most Leftists as suffering from some combination of Personality Disorders, but the degree of dissociation now borders on the Schizophrenic.

Read a paragraph or two of that link, then ponder what it takes to believe “Trump is literally Hitler”, despite literally ZERO evidence even suggestive of that.