Here is the official FBI crime report for 2012, with a city by city listing in Connecticut:
There are no murders listed in Newtown. I looked it up just now, in case it had been amended. Even if you are otherwise inclined to trust authority, is this not odd?
And watch this video:
Does this seem like a genuinely grieving dad to you? It doesn’t to me. And most people who watch this seem to feel the same way.
I don’t know what happened, but we are absolutely justified in asking hard questions, like whether or not this shooting even happened. I am not saying it did or didn’t. What I am saying is that there is a whole lot of weird stuff surrounding this, that I posted on long ago and don’t feel like revisiting today.
But I would like to encourage the parents of children who we are to believe lost children that day to sue Alex Jones. We can subpoena Robbie Parker, and see what he is up to now. We can revisit that whole crime in detail, under the supervision of a court which will not be located in Newtown, because Alex will successfully request a change of venue, possibly to Texas.
My gut tells me that this lawsuit was not authorized, and was intended solely as a cheap and quick shot at Jones, but the smarter people involved quickly nixed it. I will be curious to see if that story reappears, or if it has been given the Memory Hole treatment. If the latter, it will certainly not meliorate my existing skepticism, but rather exacerbate it.
Here we go: the lawsuit was filed in Texas. Should be interesting. My best guess is that this lawsuit will be quietly withdrawn, with no comment or fanfare from the press. If I am wrong, then I am wrong. It happens. I take my best guesses, develop things I believe 25, 50, 75% or whatever, but I am always ready to amend my views when what I know and believe changes.
What happened may be exactly what we are told happened. This is certainly a possibility. But that does not mean that Jones was not reasonable to ask questions, especially about the Robbie Parker video, and he has over the years consulted with many experts who also found major problems with the official narrative. Jones asks open ended questions he doesn’t know the answers to. The complicit media offer answers which conform to their ideological agenda. Questions are much more interesting and useful, even when they lead nowhere or even to what are eventually shown to be incorrect conclusions, as they often do. All new knowing begins with an open mind, and there is ZERO reason for any of us to believe we know everything, and therefore do not need new knowing ever again, or do not need to learn from sources we have not learned from in the past, including the independent use of logic.