
Intellectual mimicry

I was wondering in what ways Albert Camus would compare and contrast Todd Phillips/Joaquin Phoenix’ rendition of the Joker.  Specifically, who would he be in juxtaposition to Meursault?  Could he be simply a more aggressively, more thoroughly traumatized Stranger?

More generally, it occurred to me it would be a fun exercise to ask graduate students in philosophy to write various position papers in the style and voice and using the ideas of various philosophers.

How would the Joker morph with Heidegger?  Sartre?  Nietzsche?  Jesus?  William James?  Spinoza?

In important respects, I think the Joker can be seen as an allegory of the genesis of evil.  To the extent any person values, or claims to value, the good, then they must be concerned with evil too.