I would like to assert a principle, that qualitatively new ideas–intelligence, in all the manners in which it expresses itself–can only initially flow horizontally or upwards. From there, it CAN but does not invariably flow down.
What I mean by this is that if someone–and I have in mind at the moment me–has a radically new idea, it can only be understood and appreciated by people of equal or superior intelligence. Since most of the people who have such ideas are very high up in their levels of intelligence, and since even most intelligent people suffer from varying emotional rigidities and capacities for negative hallucinations, we can with this principle easily derive most of the history of science, in which the new is treated as stupid, then malignant, then obvious.
I spend much of my time being treated as stupid or malignant, to the extent anyone even notices or cares about what I have to say.