
“Information Society”

I am censored virtually everywhere I go.  At least, I post comments which appear, then disappear within minutes, or which never appear at all, not only on left wing websites like the Daily Cause (where my IP is blocked and I see no reason to do a workaround), but even on sites like Front Page Magazine and Town Hall.

I am often blunt, but I never even approach the vitriol which is the norm on the Left, and largely never have.  On Town Hall, last night, I was censored for pointing out the censorship.

Here is the problem we have: most people are unimaginative drones–and I am speaking here of the small minority who even attempt to attain that state of “being informed”, which has been shrinking for some time–who assume that all the information they need to make an informed decision is available to them if they spend time reading.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  All propagandists across the internet are able, through the ability to suppress information they don’t like, to simply present non-dichotomous views as if they were the fabled “two sides” of the debate, and create the illusion of knowledge.

I see people who should know better say they can’t vote for Trump because they are “fiscal conservatives”.  And as I think about it, this delusion is tenable since very few people on the right are talking often or seriously enough about our national debt. They are too busy criticizing Obama, and if they were Bush supporters, they can’t avoid criticizing him too in that same breath.  He was no conservative, but so many Republicans like to act as if he was, as if putting a new Bush in the White House would do something other than continue our slide only very slightly slower than if we put in another Obama.

Calvin Coolidge was the last fiscal conservative to occupy the White House.  Reagan certainly was not. Yes, he had Tip O’Neill and a Democrat Congress to deal with, but we need to call a spade a spade.  Both defense and social spending mushroomed in the 1980’s.

Call it Stockholm Syndrome (which actually can be read more than one way), call it intellectual fatigue, call it cowardice: whatever word you use, virtually no one who uses the Republican name takes the future of America seriously.  If we had elected McCain or Romney nothing major would have been done to our budget, and the relentless left wing attacks would have put another leftist in the White House soon enough.

This nation–indeed, this world–is suffused with lunatics.  All I can do, obviously, is try as often as I can to speak needed truths and hope, quite unreasonably, that someone who matters listens.