
Info Wars

I was recently quite discouraged to find all my normal media outlets–Drudge, Lucianne, The Blaze, and Yahoo–failed entirely to devote time to the significance of the authorization included in the most recent Defense appropriation for our military to detain and hold, indefinitely, American citizens deemed by someone somewhere to be engaged in “terrorist” activitiy. Since this includes what they are guessing you MIGHT have done, given the chance, we have entered the world of Minority Report, minus accurate psychics. We must assume for now that this power will not be abused, but the question must be asked: at what point do Americans stop being protected by the Constitution? The plain answer: NEVER. Even traitors are covered under the Constitution, and entitled to their due process.

Thus I have added to my daily reading, since this is the sort of thing they cover. Huffington Post had it as well, but I can’t stomach that place. They censor everything–they would not even grant me ONE post–and twist the news their way.

Since I guess it makes more sense, I’ll link the piece I started out intending to post on a separate post.