

Looking at who is arrayed against him, I think the naked hatred of Trump we are seeing showcases better than any words ever could why he is ESSENTIAL.  This hate makes me value him MORE, not less.

If we are going to stand any chance of undoing many decades of corruption, involving unimaginable amounts of money–which is what access to the richest Treasury on the planet by far gets you–then Trump is the indispensable element.  He’s bold, he’s honest, and he really enjoys beating amoral assholes at their own games.

Never bet against him.  He will always find a way to win.  Syria is already looking like a master-stroke, and certainly not something we had a moral obligation to do.

The drum beats are strong, but so too is my faith, and I am not someone prone to optimism.  This is rational faith, based on recent history.  It’s the sort of faith that says Tom Brady is likely to have a good season again.