
“I think for myself”, he said, because they told him to say it.

When we are dealing with events we did not personally witness, self evidently the “news” has to serve as our eyes and ears.  If they provide video or audio footage of something, we assume it has not been altered, but you can easily edit things to mean something else, if you omit clarifying and contextualizing parts of it.

CNN, MSNBC and others have long histories, not so much of saying things which are patently false, but of cherry picking information to support their agendas.  If something does not fit the message they are trying to communicate, the persuasion and indoctrination they are undertaking (usually in coordination) at that moment, they ignore it.  This is lying by omission, and they do it DAILY.

What is interesting is the psychological trick you can play, in which you tell people “think for yourselves”, all while knowing what they will be repeating that day on the internet and around the coffee pot is exactly what you tell them to repeat.

This 1984 meme amounts to “think for yourself. see with your own eyes”.  People think that, because CNN is saying this, that they mean it, that their viewers can in fact, in their estimation, be depended on to think for themselves.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

What is interesting to me about this–and in large measure I am simply describing human nature as it has existed for a very long time–is the parallel with the Buddhist dictum “if you see the Buddha on the road, kill him.”, which I reference from time to time.

Nobody does this.  Buddhists do not do this.  I have said this often.  They dutifully repeat this injunction as part of their canon, and in so doing kill it.  They kill the life in the idea.  Killing the Buddha is about protecting the AUTHENTIC dharma.  The Buddha did not and does not need to be worshipped.  This is a travesty.  If we tore down every Buddhist temple on the planet but retained the underlying notions, we would perhaps SERVE the cause of Buddhism.  Buddhism is the very opposite of idolatry.  Idols don’t change.  The world does, and change is the essential teaching in this religion based on direct, impartial observation of life as it actually happens.

It is so easy to go wrong.  But I do think having balls helps in all respects.  Fearful people say “reject fear”.  But they don’t.  That, too, is a learned skill, done through long term, purposive activity.

In important respects, that is my own task.  That is what I am trying to figure out: how do you tame fear such that your insanity is reduced, and such that over some time horizon sanity becomes possible?

As far as these media prophets: they have become farce.  It is a bad joke.  As I said yesterday, I hope I have a lot of company in this perception.