
I don’t get it

I read they are keeping Paul Manafort in solitary confinement.  Knowing nothing else, one would assume this is to “break” so that he can either give them dirt on Trump, or MAKE SOME UP.  These are Communist/authoritarian tactics.

Reading the comments on the story, the ghouls are applauding. They keep talking about “Russian collusion”.  How are people this fucking stupid?  I’m serious.  This is not a run of the mill cognitive error.  This is not an easy mistake to continue making for 18 months.

1) ZERO evidence has been produced that Russia influenced the election in any way, despite what likely amount now to hundreds of thousands of hours of determined–even desperate–effort.

2) MUCH evidence has been produced of corruption within the CIA, FBI, and DoJ generally.  We can trace the genesis of the dossier which led to Mueller’s appointment, and it is all FAKE.  It is not just fake, but fabricated for the EXPLICIT purpose to which it is being put, which is to damage and sabotage Trump however possible.

What fucking hope should any sensible person have about the future of this country when lies like this have legs that last this long?  Has everyone lost their fucking mind?  Or is it just the troglodytes on the comments page, who are hoping to drive  away in despair anyone who has any vestige remaining of decency or the capacity to think?

Trump’s winning notwithstanding, I am wondering if I don’t need to find some new island home somewhere.  So much stupid.  It boggles the mind.  Truly.  These are college educated people buying lies that should not pass a five second sniff test.