
Hillary Lunacy

I want to do what I can to make sure this moment of candor from a major Leftist is not forgotten:

Businesses do not create jobs.  Businesses do not create jobs.  Ponder the large, nearly insurmountable, epic, Himalayan stupidity of this statement.  Try, really try, to figure out some way in which this could be correct.  You can’t do it.  No sane person, with even a rudimentary understanding of free enterprise can do it.

[I feel I should add this edit, since there are so many deeply held, deeply wrong ideas out there: Government, to make this stupidly simplistic, has only three sources of revenue: taxes, borrowing, and printing money.  Borrowed money must be paid back, or at least must have its interest serviced, which in practice means much more money over time is digested than would have had that money been taken in taxes.  Inflation, likewise, constitutes a tax on the wealth of Americans, even if it is subtle one that as Keynes noted not one person in a million would fathom.  Well, you are now one of those one in a millions because I am telling you that increases in the money supply constitute theft.  Presently, the Fed is printing nearly $1 trillion a year in money to help Obama maintain the illusion that his house of cards is sustainable.

The point here is that sooner or later ALL government gets its money from taxpayers.  Period. There is no other way to look at it.  This means that all government activity is funded by private sector activity. Period.  There is no other way to look at it.  This means that all government jobs depend on private sector jobs.  Period.  There is no other way to look at it.]

Yet, it has a logic, which I will attempt to go through.

First off, we  need to recognize the propaganda coup–one of many, it must be said–which enabled the widespread use of the term “Supply Side Economics”.  This term is a defensive term, it is one which has been represented as a lame alternative to the purportedly most correct, most orthodox approach, that of Keynesian or Demand Side economics.  Implicitly, “Supply Side:” Economics is some sort of radical alternative to the presumed norm, the presumed success, Keynesian economics.

This of course is lunacy.  What has failed every time it has been tried is PRECISELY Keynesian economics, for the very simple reason that it was never intended to be successful outside of a Fascist political system, and arguably not even then, outside of the thefts which wars of aggression enable.

As I know I have at some point stated, counter-Keynesian economics is simply economics.  It is a description of how things ACTUALLY work, and one of the factors in how economics actually works is that if you want jobs to be created, you need to create a climate in which this is made more and not less likely.

If you want to grow flowers, you fertilize the soil, you water them, you make sure they get enough sunlight, you protect them from the cold.

The essence of a Socialist regime–the essence of the pervasive failures in the non-developing world, with Latin America being the most proximate example of these failures–is making it HARDER to do business.  It is demonizing those who do business well, who amass wealth outside of the protection and collusion of those in power for their own benefit.  Socialism is great at creating opportunities to get rich at the expense of others, but it is horrible at facilitating people getting rich themselves, while spreading and generalizing the wealth.

Bill Gates created thousands of millionaires.  Is anyone but Hillary Clinton and her ilk so stupid as to fail to grasp that those millionaires put their money into local circulation, and put their money into the pockets of landscapers, builders, purveyors of clothing, dining establishments, etc., in a sustainable way?

The alternative is taking all of Bill Gates money, and then using government officials to determine who should get it.  Politics being what it is, most of this money will go to politically connected insiders, who in almost all cases will simply waste that money, making Bill Gates poor, along with everyone else EXCEPT those on the inside, people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

This is how things actually work.  To reach the mendacity of a Hillary Clinton–to reach lies so pervasive and complete even she believes them (I would have my doubts about Bill, who is much smarter than her), here is what you have to do.

First, believe the propaganda about Supply Side Economics–trickle down economics, Voodoo economics.  This, despite the fact that it has always worked [Tax receipts went up under Reagan, exactly as predicted; Tax receipts went up under Bush, exactly as predicted.  In both cases, this increase was masked by much larger increases in spending].

The essence of anti-Keynesian economics is placing the locus of economic development on small and medium business.  Given that you have bought the propaganda, you simply have to invert this.  Logically, if anti-Keynesian economics is wrong, then the converse must be right.  If businesses cannot be counted on to create jobs, then their role as job creators must be rejected, even if within Keynes own tissue of lies even he contended that the intended net beneficiary of government largesse was still supposed to be the private sector.

Make all of this abstract.  Ignore real human suffering.  Insulate yourself in a bubble, and don’t give a flying fuck about anyone except those who can advance your agenda, and those who can serve you sexually.

That is how you get statements like this.  It’s not hard.  You just have to be an awful human being, utterly lacking in compassion, and utterly disinterested in fixing anything or anyone, or alleviating any sorrow or burden.  You simply say things which get you votes, pure and simple, and if you lose sleep at night, it is worrying about polling data, and what new messaging you need to enact to improve it.