

In order to believe that Hillary did not knowingly break the law daily during her entire tenure at the State Department, one would have to believe that she had some method of segregating classified and unclassified emails and that she ONLY read the classified ones while she was in the office.  If she was working from home, this would mean that she could not read or act on anything classified.  This proposition is ludicrous.

I think any sane and honest person looking at this setup cannot fail to conclude 1) she knew what the law was; 2) she knew she was breaking it; 3) she only got away with because she was the highest ranking official in her Department, which actually makes it much more egregious; 4) she was hiding a significant amount of both illegal and unethical activity, in my view not limited to allowing foreign governments and corporation to buy favors. For example, it has long been rumored that a more covert part of the gun running operation from Benghazi to Syria, which has been more or less admitted now, was smuggling chemical weapons to the “rebels”–the people who have now exposed themselves as the Islamic radicals they largely obviously were even then–in order to conduct a false flag attack WHICH HAPPENED.  Do you all remember this?  That chemical weapons were used against the Syrian people and that Obama tried to use it as a casus belli?  Innocent people were massacred to get us into a war which had no bearing on our national security or interest, and at that fighting alongside jihadists.

If Hillary is not arrested and put in jail we can safely assume that some important part of our system has disintegrated.  We can assume justice is not blind, that a different set of rules applies to the power elite, and that we are being played as patsies, as Trump said.  Those same offenses in anyone else would have resulted in an immediate arrest.

But people in high offices are cowards.  How else to explain the Supreme Court’s craven refusal to visit the birth certificate issue, among other things?