Ask yourself: where in your high school education did you learn anything useful about transcendence, the mythic, the numinous?
What was it mostly filled with? Psychology–perhaps–and a bunch of books about screwed up people who had very few positive, useful lessons to convey.
Our “ordinary” culture is of course defined by TV, radio, movies. It consists in the magazines you see checking out at the grocery store. That, and for many a weekly trip to church, to learn about ideas that are otherwise largely ignored.
What is problematic in our society is that our allegedly higher culture has nothing to teach us. The best professors of philosophy, and even psychology, really have no good answers to the meaning of life, to the purpose of suffering.
Certainly, so-called Positive Psychology is preferred to the creed of “we’re all screwed up then we die”, but if you want to create a one-to-one layering of cultural and genetic inputs and the sense of self, then you have failed to provide good answers to very basic questions.
Hence the pervasive confusion we see; hence the valorization of hate through the rhetoric of love; hence the many minds twisted into a permanent project of subverting human freedom.