
Have you stopped beating your wife yet?

You know, I am not a Nazi, and hate the Nazis–and the Communists–with roughly equal passion.  I hate all people who value death and hate life, who value conformity and hate individuality, who make themselves rich while making everyone else poor.  I hate people who hate.  I hate people who live in worlds of moral and spiritual delusion.

Hate is not the right word: I oppose these people.  This is the animating principle of my life.  And I feel similarly for dogmatic materialists, those who want to kill God–despite the scientific evidence–because it makes them feel strong and powerful.  No few of them seem to additionally have clinical sadistic impulses.

The Left is trying at the moment to create a situation in which people are forced into supporting them or being publicly branded an anti-humanistic radical.  Ponder this.

None of us should be forced into saying we are not Nazis, even though self evidently we aren’t. I grew up, like most Americans, watching World War 2 movies.  Two guesses which side I was rooting for.  I give you two, because some of you may be Leftists, although it hard to see how any Leftist could read this blog for long, and not lose at least the unreflecting hatred and disgust which animates their race.  And if they lose the hate, I am willing to call them Liberal.

This whole border thing felt like a loyalty oath.  Either you felt the proper amount of human compassion and empathy, or you were a monster.  Either you wanted to cry with Rachel Maddow, or you really were LITERALLY HITLER.

It is of course illogical and stupid for any student of the political left to ask or expect of them anything like moral or intellectual consistency–or even the attempt at it–but I will note that when Joseph McCarthy–and his counterpart committee in the House, since I will note he had plenty of company–was asking for loyalty oaths, the Left hated it, PARTICULARLY because many, in fact, in our government and the culture at large plainly WERE Communists, or at least kissing cousins.  But they called it, itself, Unamerican, knowing they were liars, knowing that cause was just.

And Trump seems to have awoken many predatory beasts who had been in hiding, whose presence only the most paranoid among us suspected.  Ponder the spectacle of the former head of the CIA OPENLY calling for what would amount to a coup, conducted against a man who clearly won a fair election.  Who would have thought this possible?  Who would have thought our media could be so corrupted as to become a nearly uniformly political organ, which daily expresses lies, half-truths, political vitriol, and bad ideas?

My dreams were quite wild last night.  We are going through a storm.  I don’t know where it stops.

And I will add, procedurally, methodologically–these may seem odd terms for something deeply personal, but that is how I am wired–it is very difficult to separate personal dreams from collective dreams.  But I think that when I am dealing with something personal, and it matches the frequency of something playing out in our greater Collective Unconscious, or collective “space”, then the dream goes farther and becomes more powerful.  That is what I felt last night. I felt large numbers of savage beasts unleashed, which no one had suspected.  We didn’t know they were there.  They were highly organized, highly savage, but waiting, hibernating even, because it was not yet time. Their cave has been breeched, and they are now waking up and hopping mad.  I do think this is a collective dream.

Personally, I am getting very deep into my trauma.  I am feeling increasingly that getting rid of the death in me will itself feel like a death.  It is a poison I have lived with all my life.  Or perhaps I will literally die soon. I  don’t know.

It is important in life to face it with what equanimity you can manage.