If it is not true that Party leadership is under the more or less direct control of Wall Street, this really needs to be a WTF moment. I would ask them: how fucking stupid can you be? Seriously? How many times can you undertake the same jackassery and expect a different result? We should be winning BIG. We have the issues. The future of our children and grandchildren is on the line–of YOUR children and grandchildren–is on the line and you give us candidates willing only to cuts tenths of pennies on the dollar, while making grand promises to “balance the budget”? Ron Paul was the ONLY candidate credible on that. I and everyone else KNEW that Romney was going to start hemming and hawing virtually from day one.
And I doubt Romney would have undone Obamacare, much as it needed to be done. We deserve it now. It will be an albatross wrapped around our necks that reads: “wanted something for nothing”.