
The Great Pencil

First off, I liked this statement of basic, obvious ideas by Marco Rubio: As he points out, in large measure we are having trouble now because in their two years controlling the White House and both Houses of Congress they did not see fit to create a budget. This more or less has enabled them to spend on pet projects without, I suspect, risking the public outcry over the details.

We know Obama is spending a LOT, and that he has added hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats to the Federal payroll in conditions of recession. That this would inevitably lead to deficits or large tax increases has been lost on no one. That is why even in conditions of having record amounts of cash business owners have not been investing it to create jobs. It’s unclear if America is even going to be a good place to do business anymore. The record cash is there not particularly because of record profits, but because of record uncertainty and doubt. We’ve never had a Leninist in the White House before. There’s really no way to gauge how much damage he can do.

One thing is clear, if this deficit spending continues unabated: our credit rating WILL be downgraded. This is not in doubt. This means we will have to pay higher interest rates to attract investors, which means more money will get vacuumed out of the pockets of the roughly half of Americans who are economically productive enough to pay taxes–new expenses, that were not present before, will be incurred. As I mentioned earlier, when the bureaucrats are running debt projections over the next ten years, they are assuming more or less constant conditions, and a debt downgrade will NECESSARILY mean higher expenses, and thus higher increases in the debt, meaning that whatever “cuts” are negotiated now will likely be more than balanced by off-setting, unprojected increases.

The Pencil: There is an episode of the Simpson’s where the network is broadcasting the CEO of the State lottery sharing the proceeds of the lottery with some school superintendant. After a tad bit of drama, as memory serves, the super is presented with a pencil. He’s taken aback, and starts sputtering, at which point the video feed is cut.

Folks, this is what we are going to get: a pencil. After several weeks of melodrama we are going to get–over the sound of Democrats screaming like little girls, and serious analgesic use by Republicans–something that is pathetically short of anything serious, much less of what is needed.

It seems likely tax cuts can be kept off the table (and by the way, when we see record low approval ratings for Obama, we need to keep in mind that his supporters can also desert him for not being sufficient to the left, which is plainly happening, so low ratings do not translate to a shoo-in for conservatives in 2012), but that the “cuts” will be largely symbolic, and that no matter how minute they are, that Republicans will be portrayed as big meanie-heads, who take pleasure in the idea of grandmothers eating dogfood, and dogs being relegated to scrounging outside the mansions of fat men in business suits with grease on their chins, going “ha ha ha, we are big and rich and we are making grandmothers eat dog food. We are so smart.” Cartoonish thinking for two dimensional minds: what other sort could there be?

What I want to propose though, is that nothing serious will be possible as long as we have flippant narcissists in Congress who benefit from being the grantors of manna to their unwashed inferiors. In the main, I intend thereby to connote Democrats, although of course I am no fan of RINO’s either.

We need to be content with what Boehner and McConnell can negotiate. We have a boy-child in the White House, with visions of sugarplum fairies dancing in his head, who has not the slightest notions of cause and effect, how the real world actually operates, or how much suffering will attend the medium term continuation of his policies. Given this, anything that does not raise taxes, or which cuts ANY spending, is going to have to do.

We are not in a crisis. We need to be clear about this. Clear eyed people are looking to a COMING crisis. If what you are doing is hurting you–if you are taking small doses of poison daily–then the first thing to do is stop doing it. This is clear enough. For now, we cannot stop doing it, but we are nowhere near a lethal dose. Europe is in much more serious trouble than we are, since they have been doing Obama-esque things much longer, and lack the opposition that, among other things, guns and religion guarantee.

Our task is education and message control. We need it to be shouted from the rooftops that you can’t borrow 40 cents on the dollar forever. This is self evident to anyone who has ever existed outside the sheltered nurseries of our universities, and the cynical calculations of professional politicians who benefit and provide benefit to a chosen few, at a cloaked harm to the many.

We need a conservative in the White House: Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman–even Tim Pawlenty would do for now–and a 60 seat majority in the Senate.

When our credit gets downgraded, there is simply no plausible person to blame but Obama, and the costs of that downgrade will be easy enough to show.

Net: be patient. I do feel our Congressional leaders are doing the best they can within the contraints of the lunatic atmosphere currently prevailing among the Democrats.