I think the notion that the government has money is very much like this. If I ask you to pay for your own healthcare (and as you feel necessary, insurance to protect you from catastrophic costs), that is a burden. But if I ask you to pay taxes and the government will pay for it, then you’re happy (if you’re stupid, which plainly many people are).
This is a shell game, a trick. It only tricks people who don’t get this process of sending a check to the government, which goes to pay for a government employee to cash checks and check tax returns, then a government bureaucrat to administer the payments to healthcare providers, and then to the doctors.
The government does what insurance companies do, but it does it worse, because it has no competition. There is no impediment to bloat, and no inherent need for quality and speed. It is a monopoly, at least in Single Payer systems.
What I think people fail to grasp about our free market system is that it has inherent quality control elements. You can’t stay in business if you don’t provide something people want at a price they are willing and able to pay. You have on the one hand the value of success, which leftists love to moan about; but you have also the cost of failure, which can also be quite high, and which leftists ignore, as if all businesses were foreordained for success. The only such businesses are one underwritten by the government. The rest have to perform or perish.
Bureaucracies merely need to continue getting funding from people whose reelection campaigns they support, with taxpayer money.