
Government as autoimmune disorder

It really seems to me that the metastasis of government, the use of government to solve all problems, and really particularly the overuse and abuse of government to solve what I think will come to be seen by all as a largely nonexistent problem–COVID-19–amounts to an autoimmune disorder.  The entity responsible for protecting us is destroying us.

And to be clear, I’m in the camp where CLEARLY some people are dying unpleasant deaths, and clearly some people–like Sturgill Simpson–are suffering highly unpleasant infectious illnesses.  This is not to be doubted.

What can and should be doubted is the wisdom of locking people up for six weeks and counting, where their stress responses are slowly climbing through the roof, where their businesses are failing and savings–if they even had any, which most Americans did not–are disappearing.

And while all this is going on, the illness is seemingly petering out.  Poke your head out the door.  The sun may well be shining and the birds singing, and two weeks from now you may be healthier than you are today.

Kids seem completely safe, and healthy adults under the age of about 65 seem to be largely safe.  Pretty much no one is dying who was not unhealthy.  This means at least two thirds of Americans could and in my view should go back to work tomorrow. 

The number seems to be about 1 in 20,000 people die from this thing in an afflicted population.  That’s a number we live with every day.

About 2.8 million people die in this country each year.  Our population is about 330 million.  2.8 million goes into 330 million 117 times.  That means about one in 117 people in this country die every year.

We have reached the point where I think even fearful people need to start to understand the main disease from which we are suffering is the government response.  It is chosen and planned, needless and harmful intervention, for which our leaders should be blamed.  To some extent, even Trump should share a tad bit of blame, but I have no doubt at all that if Obama had been President he not only would have done what Fauci and Birx said, but never would have had the audacity to question it, as Trump has. 

As I continue to say, Trump has outstanding instincts, and I think he has been a great President, and absent successful mass fraud, see no reason at all he can’t beat an imbecilic, senile creep like Joe Biden.  We are very lucky to have him.

Fauci is a de facto enemy of the people.