
Goodness, added thought

In the simplest possible sense, Goodness is for me emotional maturity, which includes the ability to grow and ripen in understanding across a lifetime. It is a progressive increase in the capacity for emotionally engaged work, the expression of empathy, and a capacity for emotional fulfillment.

I posit no strict rules.  In fact, I have defined proper moral judgements as “local, imperfect, and necessary”.  That needs to go into my essay, but I keep forgetting, and I stay busy.

This is, in my view, a globally adaptable paradigm.  I personally might question a decision, say, to have orgies in the town square, but the Taoists apparently did it in China, and it may well have been a source of personal and communal well being that was consistent with emotional growth.  I wasn’t there, and I don’t know.  And to the point of my system, it is not necessary for me to render judgment.