Then I thought that loving parents are disappointed in kids who do not realize their potential, but they never hate them. If we are anthropomorphism God, this is simply bad psychology, the entirety of which can be laid at the feet of religiously hypocritical power-mangers, who used with skill the threat of eternal damnation to build a very earthly thousand year Reich. Vatican City still is, I suspect, per capita the wealthiest nation on Earth.
But this idea occurred, which is somewhat interesting: God as parent makes no sense to me. He letsenty of people slip through the cracks.
But what about meta-parent? The ground of nurturing? The principle channeled by good parents, and a principle we can use to guide and comfort ourselves? What if any signs we might see arise through the operation of an ordering and calming spirit, which is there only if we look for it?
I’m not quite sure what I am saying. This is very abstract, but I feel it as the light behind what is presented to me in life. This is perhaps really deep, and perhaps not. Do with it what you will.