

Globalism, ultimately, is a force of reaction.  It is retrogressive in intent and program.

Ponder in what consists human progress: it is not the perfection of government.  It is the perfection of each and every living human person, such that no government is necessary.  It is a society of angels, living freely, each their own way, bothering no one, pursuing their own rational and peaceful ends.

The perfection of government is inherently inimical to the perfection of the individual.  They are antithetical.  Where government needs to grow, necessarily that means people are small or shrinking.  Perhaps their sins invite policing, and perhaps the police force them into sin.  It is sick, either way.

Expanded slightly, if there is crime, there are imperfect people.  But quite often, imperfect people want and crave power, which itself is the pure wish, but they usually need a means and a rationale.  They need to give at least some portion of those they would rule a reason to support them.  This is when they invent sins for which they are the remedy.  “Capitalism” would be an obvious example of such a sin.  Inequality would be another.

Without the possibility of human individual moral growth–without the distributed notion that this is possible, and can be described and recognized–social cancers become inevitable.  Collectivism is such a cancer, and the analogy is reasonably precise: a cancer is a growth and conglomeration of cells without individual purpose, without place, which do not belong, but which cling to one another tightly and desperately seek survival at all costs.  Their only desire is MORE, even if it kills everything.

I am perhaps speaking strangely.  I am in a strange mood.