
Further thoughts on Completely Racist Teachings

Little Jewish kids–or Gypsy kids–had favorite foods.  They had foods their mother could not get them to eat.  They had friends and feuds at school.  There were husbands who were cheating on their wives, wives who were cheating on their husbands and couples who were utterly in love.  Most were somewhere in the middle.

Today, white kids–especially white boys–born to well adjusted–or for that matter clinically insane and abusive–parents are ALREADY racist.  They are ALREADY being condemned, already subject to censure and State sponsored ritual abuse, if the Left gets its way.

How is that any different than judging a little black baby at birth?  It isn’t.  No difference at all.  The main difference is the intellectual gymnastics which require that racism be USED to condemn racism.  That is no easy task.  Words have to be perverted.  Foundational lies have to be accepted so deeply that they cannot be questioned.  The focus must be placed outside the narrative such that no one looks at it carefully–with, shall we say, CRITICAL eyes.

I see madness everywhere I look.  It most likely would have been the same 100 or 1,000 years ago, for me.  But the DIFFERENCE today is that we have evolved GENUINELY GOOD IDEAS, such as universal tolerance, equality before the law, and the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of our own conception of happiness.

People who speak of “Progressivism” are a cancer on everything good we have built.  I fully support progress.  I simply oppose turning the clock backwards, bringing back everything bad, and then slapping a rhetorical dab of paint on it and calling it good.

These people, rather than seek the ACTUAL public good, seek platforms from which to seek attention, and to proclaim their own personal virtue, which they have not begun to earn, but think they can rationalize through words alone.  It is a bad magic trick, a deception, and large scale exercise in collective psychosis.

And again, behind it all lie opportunists fully aware that in others stupidity lie mountains of gold and thrones of the sort from which they were cast some time ago.