
Further comment on previous post

If you conflate Orderliness with Conservatism, what you realize immediately is that supposedly “left wing” regimes are uniformly CONSERVATIVE.  Cuba.  North Korea.  Even China, which even in its free market innovations–which made Party elites wealthy beyond imagining–retained a fundamentally unalterable political landscape.

In “left wing” regimes, NOTHING CHANGES.  Or it only changes when a small number of individuals decide it will change.


And if we contrast Openness and Orderliness, I think something more helpful than the Left and Right opposition becomes possible.

As I have noted often, that distinction comes from the French Revolution.  Most of the truly bad ideas in the world come from France.  [So too, of course, do many good ones.  Montesequieu, as one example, seems to have been the source of the idea of the “separation of powers”.]

In the French Revolutionary Assembly, I think they called themselves, those who wanted some version of a monarchy sat on the right, and those who wanted to completely upend the existing order sat on the left.  People I would call true Liberals sat in the middle.

But look at what actually happened in the French Revolution, which was really a long series of failed social experiments.  There was a period of time you could find yourself beheaded for not wearing the revolutionary colors on your person when going about the town.  A distant claim to nobility might get you killed too.  Publicly doubting the wisdom, humanity and sanity of those conducting daily public executions before excited mobs, likewise.

Basically, any sign of IMPURITY, in any form, was enough to be condemned as a PATHOGEN and purged from the body politic.

So, when people talk “revolutions” most of the time what they are really talking about is replacing one conservative regime with ANOTHER.  The details vary, but the obsession with purity remains.

So a perhaps more interesting continuum might be drawn between the obsession with orderliness as characterized by disgust on the one end, and true openness, as defined by AUTHENTIC intelligence and creativity on the other.


For most of its history, the United States HAS been truly Liberal.  We have enabled and even encouraged evolution.  Slavery was a universal the world over in 1776, but we gradually eliminated that foundational contradiction at the heart of our claims to human rights and equality.  The sole rights of land owners gradually gave way to universal white male suffrage, then all male suffrage (in principle), then to female suffrage as well.

Growth is not heaving back and forth, in colossal and destructive disruptions.  Growth is gradual, truly progressive, and only possible in conditions of true openness.

It is the great contradiction of the Left in that it has become conservative in all meaningful ways.  They have a code and a mythos which cannot be questioned, and have a pronounced and obviously visceral commitment to purging the world of ideological Others.

What enables them to maintain their delusions is that periodically issues are brought to the fore–and this is planned, in my view, by we cannot be fully sure who–which have gradually become so insane, that no conservatives can accept them; and since the Left, conditioned as it is to immediate submission and compliance, accepts them immediately and fully, they retain the ability to PRETEND to being open.

But take Lia Thompson, or whatever his name is.  This is a HUGE affront to women’s rights.  To the fights that led to Title IX.  It’s grossly and obvious unfair.  This doesn’t take much thought or common sense.  It’s right there.  It’s a dude with testicles who stands 6’4″, and who was effectively a JV male swimmer for many years, who put on a women’s bathing suit to cover up breasts he doesn’t have, and no doubt very imperfectly genitalia he DOES have, and now he’s winning races he could not have placed in at local meets as a man.

What is fighting here is common sense on one side, and the self importance and vanity of a political membership which simply demands submission.

Or take open borders.  This is OBVIOUSLY detrimental to working class Americans.  Given fixed demand, increased supply MUST push down wages.  This is first week Econ.  And if they try and monkey with wages, for example by Minimum Wage Laws, this decreases DEMAND, and increases unemployment.

None of this makes sense, from the perspective of anyone who cares about Americans, per se.  It’s not Liberal in any sense.  We obviously cannot import and enrich the 5 billion or so severely poor people on the planet, so some limit is needed.  That limit is and should be set by Congress, and if it is the law, it should be enforced.  Common sense.

And has been pointed out often, many of these immigrants carry LITERAL pathogens.  None of them are being screened for COVID before being put on buses and planes, at taxpayer expense, and shipped to Hispanic communities who, I suspect, often DON’T WANT THEM.

Do all Americans like all Americans?  Is there any reason to think all Mexicans like all Mexicans?  No, Philadelphia lawyers are not so excited to be rubbing elbows with chain smoking, tatted up rednecks, and I suspect working class and middle class legal immigrants are not happy about rubbing elbows with smelly Campesinos.

These problems all have solutions.  We just need well meaning, sane people to act sane.