I indulge my vanity a bit by looking at the site stats. I’m certainly no superstar, or star, or even bright light. I’m a lamppost in the shady part of town: useful for some, but hardly front row center. Still, I enjoy seeing all the countries checking in, and the number of Americans who are clicking on some my posts.
My intent, however, is not to feed my vanity, but to share what I hope are good, useful ideas, and to that end I will point out that you can follow me on RSS, which basically means you get all the posts without clicking on anything; or you can subscribe by email. If you do that, you get a daily email in the middle of the night with my last edit of whatever I posted. I don’t get notified of your email address, and frankly have no way of knowing how many people–if any–are subscribed via RSS or email. It’s totally private, at least to me.