
Embrace Trump; Embrace your decline, full post

Most of the text disappeared for some reason. I am trying to be post-paranoid and blame technology and not Google.  Still, here it is, in full.

In 2008 I wrote:

The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their President.

Has anything changed?

Calvin Coolidge was the last actual conservative we had in the White House.
 Barry Goldwater was the last conservative who got the Republican
nomination.  That was 1964.  That was 51 years ago. I should not need
to say this, but Reagan massively expanded the government: not just Defense,
but all the other bureaucratic features of the welfare state that Tip O’Neil
pushed through, and he allowed.

Who does not see what half a century or more of Communist propaganda has bought
us?  It has brought apathy and complacency in all the things that matter,
and an entirely inappropriate obsession with things that do not matter, like
mentally ill cross dressers, and mentally ill millenials who made odd clothing
choices and think nudity and sexual provocativeness are somehow profound.

It has brought pervasive ignorance as to BASIC facts about the world, such as
how our government operates, what is unique about our Constitutional Republic
and history, the nature of economic prosperity, and the difference between Iraq
and Iran.

Psychosocially it has led to a cultural decline in the ability to
set and maintain personal and national boundaries.  Our southern boundary
is perhaps the most obvious, most literal symbol of this.

Trump asked “do we have a nation or not? Do we have a border or not?”

Do you think you as a person have the right to exist as your own unique person?
 Do you understand that this extends beyond what is on your I-tunes, and
what kind of car you choose to drive?  Do you understand that freedom has
to do with your religion, your sense of right and wrong, your sense of what is
true in this world, and your right to pass your values on to your children,
unmolested, unbroken, whole, intact?

Donald Trump is a Big City Machine Democrat, a guy who talks about the Little
Guy in part because it is popular, but I think he does really have a basic,
atavistic, fondness for the America of yore, an America where you could openly
speak your opinion at the local barber shop, where there was nothing wrong with
patriotic pride, where you could go root for the Mets or the Yankees, and not
worry that your neighbor was secretly trying to overthrow the government, or
that our government, having been covertly overthrown, was trying to ruin our
nation economically and trample our Constitutional freedom.  That it was
building refugee camps in the midst of everything, and that those sworn to
protect us were buying mass quantities of ammunition and weaponry that could
ONLY be useful in a long term mass uprising.

He has the sense and sensibilities of another age, an age where it was not
necessary to debate whether or not a boy who said he felt like a girl could go
watch girls shower;  where courage meant taking business risks, or
opposing violence with peace, or risking your life in the defense of others, or
holding on to decency in the midst of chaos and rot.  It was not indulging
in some sexual fantasy rooted in unprocessed trauma in public.

Donald Trump can win a General Election, because as I keep saying Democrats and
Republicans alike are tired of watching the rot, the death of Common Sense, the
destruction of decency in the name of an ill-named and empty
“compassion” or “tolerance”, which is anything but.

No, he’s not a conservative, but unless you think Rand Paul can win–he is the
only one in the field as far as I am concerned, and he is opposed by literally
everyone but his base–then we need someone who can alter the course of our
national dialogue, reestablish the space needed to speak needed truths, and to
literally recreate and defend our collective boundaries.