We are a Constitutional Republic, which means our State is a Public Thing based upon a set of laws not quite but nearly written in stone, which can be changed only with the greatest of difficulty, and for the reason that they are sound, well considered, wise, fair, and prudent. The Law is what governs us, through fallible human beings whose power is carefully constrained so that no one or group of them can easily arrogate all power to themselves.
I come from a place of possibility, where a low birth means nothing, and a high birth little.
Compare America even now to most of the world. Most of humanity is ruled by oligarchs and dictatorships, by powered elites, by gangsters, by one tribe relative another, and even, even now, by kings.
It is one of the truly astonishing, and truly evil, feats of the forces of regression–the Left–that they have managed not just to sap our confidence in our actual history, but in our ideals themselves. They have corrupted words like justice and tolerance to where they mean nothing any more. They have corrupted the word democracy, and the meaning behind the word “people”. They have infused the ideals which animated our forebears with lies, with smoke, with hatred, with self revulsion, with everything but the just pride which all of us should feel in them.
Communism is a very old idea. It is Kingship, masked in lies. It is Kingship, which pretends it is purely benevolent, purely beholden to the “People”, who are in theory the kings, but who never get within a thousand miles of the Capital City, much less any chance of offering opinions which will be listened to.
True Kingship is vastly preferable, and vastly more honest, than Communism. The worst despots are no worse than average Communists, and even if in all cases such despots mask their actions in the language of one sort of necessity or another, no one is fooled, least of all those who help them, who are motivated by greed and power lust, and confused by neither.
I will say again: I am proud of America’s intellectual tradition, of the philosophical and idealistic underpinnings of this great nation, which have suffered so much from a century of lies.
And I will add: this was the INTENT. The Communists attacked us at the level of philosophy in order to make us weak, uncertain, and unable to respond to their global imperial ambitions.
Why so many sap headed academics went along, and continue to go along, maybe I will one day figure out, but I have not yet. It takes great stupidity, great cowardice, and an utter abjuration of the most basic loyalty and fellow feeling, to reach such a state.